City of San Diego/SANDAG/CNRSW Settle on Airport-Transit Connection and a Regional Transit Hub

April 13, 2022

“SANDAG and the Navy continue their extensive cooperation on the revitalization of NAVWAR’s facilities on the Navy’s Old Town Campus, but have agreed to stop exploring the  site for the Central Mobility Hub, focusing efforts instead on potentially including a future transit stop on the site as part of the Navy’s revitalization efforts for Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) and a potential larger mixed use development. ”

“The City of San Diego and SANDAG of been exceptional in their support of the Navy. We look forward to continuing to work with the City and SANDAG as we move forward with the Navy Old Town Campus Revitalization project, and connect NAVWAR to the regional transportation system,” said Rear Admiral Stephen Barnett, Commander, Navy Region Southwest. “The revitalization of NAVWAR’s facilities right here in San Diego is urgently needed to support their national security mission, and will benefit both the Navy and San Diego for many years to come.”

CLICK HERE to access the press release.

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