Navy Old Town Campus Revitalization Project Update

Navy Old Town Campus Revitalization Project Update

The U.S. Navy is updating the Navy Old Town Campus (OTC) Revitalization project timeline and sequence of events. This update is in response to public comments received on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) requesting additional details before a Record of Decision (ROD) is signed. To accommodate this request, the Navy intends to identify and work with a potential master developer to provide prospective site plans before finalizing the EIS.

The Navy reviewed all comments received during the Draft EIS public comment period and appreciates the many thoughtful and well-articulated comments provided by the public and public organizations. The Navy also appreciates the strong support San Diegans clearly expressed for the Navy in general and this important project in particular. The project, located on Naval Base Point Loma’s Old Town Campus in the Midway-Pacific Highway District, continues to receive strong support from stakeholders at the State, County, City and local levels.

There was broad support for the project clearly articulated in the public comments. Some members of the public and public agencies – such as the California Coastal Commission and the California State Historic Preservation Office – requested more specifics on how a commercial developer might design and develop the site under Alternatives 2 through 5. The specific information requested, such as the scale of the development, the types of uses, and the potential mix and location of those uses across the site, can only be determined once the Navy starts working with a developer.

In response, the Navy intends to identify – through a competitive solicitation process – a potential master developer that can work with the Navy to develop more detailed site plans before a final alternative is selected. These development plans will help inform the Navy’s required environmental analyses under statutes such as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). The Navy anticipates issuing a competitive solicitation in 2022 (Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposals).

The Navy will work with the potential developer on multiple options for the private development of the site, while continuing to evaluate the feasibility of a NAVWAR-only development funded by traditional military construction methods. There will be additional opportunities for public involvement before a Final EIS and Record of Decision are published.

The inclusion of a transit center on OTC remains in two of the Navy’s five proposed alternatives. Maintaining transit access for staff and Sailors working at OTC is vitally important, and the Navy will continue to work closely with SANDAG to ensure transit is considered in the development of the site.

The Navy remains committed to a revitalization of the OTC site that satisfies all statutory and regulatory requirements, and is robustly coordinated with federal, state and local stakeholders.

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