Water Toolkit

What is the AIAI Water P3 Toolkit?

The AIAI Water P3 Toolkit is a resource to inform those responsible for procurement about the benefits of the P3 process. This web-based guide will assist you in your approach to your projects and will highlight long term solutions that P3s offer in areas such as operations, maintenance and financing.

The toolkit provides a general overview of the P3 process and includes helpful resources, such as templates and case study overviews. Please take some time to peruse the different sections, and if you need any additional information or have questions, reach out to us at [email protected]. The team at AIAI is here to support you.

Download Presentation: “Preparing for a Successful Procurement Presentation”

Who is it for?

The toolkit is intended for those responsible for the delivery of a utility’s water supply and maintaining it in a reliable and appropriate condition be it potable, waste, or storm water.


This resource will help you assess needs and deficits and develop a plan for outcome driven proposals with technology and innovation as the core elements of your vision. 


The toolkit will assist you as you work with your operations staff to identify opportunities to incorporate P3 into your procurement models as an overall delivery strategy.

What are the benefits of using the P3 Toolkit?

  • Identifies key steps to approaching alternative delivery
  • Draws upon practical experience
  • Shares solution-driven ideas and tools to identify and inform the process
  • Is supported by AIAI’s P3Direct Education initiative